Wednesday, December 26, 2007

best Christmas story ever

According to The Sun (and how reliable are they, anyway?), A New Zealand shopping mall was attacked by a hoard of rampaging drunks in Santa costumes. Check it out...they have video goodness!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

pops and groans

The Telegraph has a cool article on bad Christmas cracker jokes, which, with my love of awful humor, is a perfect fit for this page. My fave? On which side do chickens have the most feathers? The outside.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

why I hate Christmas music

Some wonderful person has assembled an...interesting...version of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland by splicing clips together from different performers, including Stryper, Tony Bennett, Jewell, and Barney the Dinosaur. None of them would be good on their own, but together? Whoooooboy.

everyone has more civil rights than us

Apparently, Uruguay now offers civil unions. Great. As we get more fascist in the name of democracy, the rest of the world gets civil rights.

more Bourdain

Yes, you should know by now I have a "thing" for Tony Bourdain. Here's a cool piece on Bourdain, Hawaii, and Spam.

my new fave blog

Pulp of the Day does exactly what you'd expect: it has a different pulp cover every day. Better yet, they offer subscriptions. If you love retro, kitsch, or any combination thereof, you should check this out.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Entertainment Weekly has a great list of the top 25 sci-fi movies of the last 25 years. There's a lot to disagree with here (is Lost better sci fi than V?), but that's half the fun!