Friday, July 25, 2008

literal deconstructing

I know I addressed the Bangladesh supertanker graveyard in one of my earlier posts to this blog but it's cool enough to get another entry. Besides, this very awesome photo-essay focuses on the workers.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

making a world without race

Those lucky bastards at Gizmodo got to do a tour of the Lego factory and have posted video. It's awesome, yet puzzling, as none of the machines are made with 2x9 blocks.

where'd everybody go?

Ghost towns are not just for the wild west. Here's a list (with rockin' photos) of ten international ghost towns. The photos are cool, but they'd be perfect if someone photoshopped in zombies.

Monday, July 14, 2008

a good kind of murder

The Federation of American Scientist has come up with yet another use for video games. They have recently released "Immune Attack," which "introduces basic concepts of human immunology to high school and entry-level college students." Yes, video games can be homework! What a world!

It's a shame I never came up with a justification for my love of "Yar's Revenge.

eye in the sky

While it's certainly done its part to make my desktop wallpaper cooler, it's really made me appreciate science and NASA. Am I talking about Bill Nye? No, I'm talking about the Hubble Space Telescope. Harvard Magazine has an appreciation of its many accomplishments.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

evil from the top

Why do many people refuse to acknowledge global warming or believe it's a man-made process? Sadly, the truth is that they're being lied to from the top levels. As it turns out, Vice President Dick Cheney's office is guilty of hiding the science. Hey, at least he didn't try to shoot the author of the article in the face.

Friday, July 04, 2008

digging covert actions

Do you liken covert political movements? How about Los Angeles guerrilla gardeners?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

methods of our gub'ment

Christopher Hitchens, that brave man, got waterboarded for Vanity Fair. Would it give away too much to tell you the title of the article is Believe Me, It's Torture.