Friday, October 12, 2007


Scientists discover that food cravings might be the result of bacteria living in your digestive tract, and I find this to be wonderful news. I have struggled with weight and eating for a while, and I get extremely annoyed at stick people who talk about me and my type as if we're just weak individuals.

Quote of the article? "the study was delayed because it took a year for the researchers to find 11 men who don't eat chocolate."

1 comment:

dr alex said...

hey, y'know, this is the whole premise of the crazy diet I go sugar, yeast, refined food, etc. that helps me so much with the arthritis. the theory is that I'm killing the bad bacteria in my intestine by starving it to death (and, incidentally, starving myself down to "stick figure" size). honestly, food cravings lessen, but do not disappear. it's more like because I can't eat (or drink) anything that makes me happy, what's the point of eating at all??